When it comes to your customers, you probably wish you had a way to read their minds and find out what they really want from a great marketing campaign. Unfortunately, the technology required to tap into personal thoughts isn’t quite on the market. Instead, you’ll have to rely on some more indirect, yet still effective methods to get the job done. At the top of this list is the email survey. With this tool in hand, your company can gain some serious insight into the inner workings of the collective conscious of your targeted audience – provided you go about the process in the correct manner. To make sure you get the most out of your survey, take a moment to look over some of the finer points of gauging consumer interest with this method.
Plan a Smart Survey
To start the process, look at what goes into an effective survey. According to Qualtrics, a data management and collection firm, a strong survey hits on four prime measurements via the compiled questions. Perceived quality, which helps define what the customer received, is the most important factor according to this firm. From here, gauging consumer loyalty – specifically if the customer would recommend your brand to friends and family – as well as the important details that led to their final decision on a purchase, come up next. Finally, checking for the potential for repeat business rounds out the process and gives you an idea of where your products and services currently stand with the shopper.
Get Creative with Your Survey
Once you have the basic question outline in hand, the next step in building a great customer survey to ship out after your email marketing campaign centers around engaging your reader’s curiosity and interests. While many companies understand the proper line of questioning to extract this information, they drop the ball with a dull and boring survey. To avoid having your email offering fall flat on its face, think about how you can spice up your survey to draw in the interest of the shopper.
Incorporating something fun, useful, or creative is the key to hammering this point home. For instance, look at a recent offering from online fashion boutique ModCloth. This design shop quickly realized that most of their customers probably weren’t that interested in a boring email that contained a generic marketing survey. Instead, the company repackaged this questionnaire into a fun and engaging style quiz that gathered the same information, but received a considerably larger amount of responses than what it expected from a typical survey. Naturally, tailoring this offering to your industry will require a little creative thinking. However, you can guarantee that your customers will take note of your hard work and reward you with this valuable information accordingly.
Ensure an Ongoing Process
Of course, a survey doesn’t do you much good if you simply roll it out once and waste the information you’ve gathered. With this in mind, Entrepreneur.com suggests that to get the most out of your email marketing and consumer survey approach, take action when you can. This means adjusting your offerings and services to boost consumer interest and letting these shoppers know you care about their opinions. A great way to do this is with a follow-up email detailing your company’s appreciation of their involvement and a description of upcoming changes and improvements to your products and services.
With all of this information on your side, rolling out a strong survey can give you all the tools you need to keep up with your targeted audience. To start, plan a survey that keys in on top concerns like consumer loyalty and the perceived quality of your products and services. Once you have this in hand, finding a fun or creative way of getting your message across can help you get more responses and help ensure that you keep your customers engaged and providing information as new iterations of your survey hit their inboxes.